Monday, December 12, 2011

How to Stop Itching Skin

!±8± How to Stop Itching Skin

Are you having an itchy skin? Well, do not scratch them very often as they can damage your beautiful skin. Itching can be a cause of sunburn, fungal infection, allergies, bug bites, dry skin and many other medical conditions. Here are some ways to stop your itchy skin problems.

To stop your itching problems, the first thing you have to do is to diagnose and identify the cause of your itching. Some itchy rashes are contagious and examples of these are scabies rash, poison ivy oil and chicken pox. If you think that these are the cause for your itchy problems, you have to seek for your physician's medical help immediately to avoid spreading it to other people. It can be easier to treat your itchy problems if you know what is causing them.

You can also take antihistamine medicines to stop your itching. Most of these are over-the-counter medicines available in drugstores. Some of the antihistamine medicines you can try are Hydrohloride, Dephenhydramine and Benedryl. Before you take this kind of medicines, it is best if you ask about them first from the pharmacist or your doctor so you can be sure of their safety. Some of these medicines can pose side effects that can worsen your condition.

There are effective ointments you can apply on the itchy part to help you get rid of the itching. These ointments can be effective especially if the causes of your itching are contact dermatitis, allergies, insect bites, hemorrhoids and poison ivy. You can try Hydrocortisone or other generic ointments to stop your itchy problems. There are also lotions such as Calamine lotion to help you with your itching problems especially if caused by poison ivy. They can calm your skin thus removing the itch you are feeling.

Licodaine and Benzocaine can also help you stop itching. They are numbing agents for your itching skin that can especially be helpful if you have itchy problems cause by sunburns, skin irritations and bug bites.

There are times that dealing with itchy skin can be frustrating. You need to know how to manage this kind of stress so you can manage the itch easily, and then control and stop the itching as soon as possible.

How to Stop Itching Skin

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Remove Sun Spots - The Biggest Sign of Aging

!±8± Remove Sun Spots - The Biggest Sign of Aging

Despite the focus on wrinkles and the use of wrinkle creams and Botox alternatives these days, it seems strange that wrinkles are not the number one sign of aging. With all that we know about free radicals and damage caused by the sun, consumer still focus on wrinkles as the top priority to looking younger. What makes this bizarre is the fact that well before your skin incurs enough damage to establish a wrinkle it has already begun to form sun spots, or age spots as they are sometimes called. Dermatologists around the world are now stating that in order for consumers to look years younger they need to focus on the removal of sun spots and discoloration just as much as wrinkle removal.

The reason that consumers are less focused on sun spots is because so few of us are even aware that they exist. There are two main reasons for this. Number one, these spots grow slowly and gradually. You have gotten used to the lack of even tone in your skin and may not even see spots that are clearly in front of you unless they are pointed out. This is very common even among those of us who spend hours staring in the mirror. The second reason that we overlook this sign of aging is that much of the discoloration is in such small spots that they do not stand out to us. It is not one spot that can be singled out as a reason for not looking as young. It is a series of small spots or blotches none of which stand out on their own, but the sum total result in uneven skin tone making us look years older than we actually are.

Dermatologists claim that most consumers only become aware of the importance of removing these spots and discoloration once the removal of them is underway. Seeing them fade before their eyes instantly makes them remember what their skin looked like back before the damage was as established. Once completely removed, the skin is restored to its original state, consumers see that they actually look years younger than they did just a few weeks earlier. As much as the focus is on wrinkles, doctors claim that consumers need to focus on the removal of sun spots just as much, if not more, than the removal of wrinkles.

Treating sunspots is easy, provided you are using a top of the line ingredient. The best ingredient for removing Sun Spots, discoloration, and even redness is Renovage. It is a poly peptide that penetrates deep into your skin working on the cellular level to regenerate skin cells, effectively removing the damaged skin cells and replacing them with newer ones. Renovage is one of the latest peptides to receive accolades for its effectiveness in the anti aging industry, and dermatologists swear it is the answer to looking 5 years younger in just a matter of weeks.

We all want to look younger, and no one is claiming that we need not focus on removing wrinkles. But smooth skin is only part of the equation, if you honestly wish to look your absolute best, then you are going to need to address the number one sign of aging, sun spots. Even if you are confident that you do not have any, doctors recommend that you treat them regardless. The reason is that so few people are aware of the damage that their skin has, they soon find out just what a large effect sunspots were having on their appearance, and how effectively Renovage treats them.

Remove Sun Spots - The Biggest Sign of Aging

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